How to Up-Sell
Do you want fries with that? You can hardly go through a drive-thru in America without hearing this age old phrase. Up-selling is not a new idea, but one that is often overlooked. Once you realize you can make more money by helping customers identify additional needs, and then satisfying them, you can earn more sales with your existing customer base. Do your customers know all of the products that you can offer? Using Stouse sales sheets as a checklist when calling on a customer can help you to identify all of your customers’ needs and we are here to help you fill them!
Stouse offers many complimentary items targeted to specific markets and products. Some of our most popular markets and products include:

Schools: Loyalty fundraiser cards, bumper stickers, plastic rulers, calendars.
Automotive: License plate inserts, domed decals, automotive laser labels, hitch covers.
Political: Signs, bumper stickers, rally fans, roll labels, doorknob hangers, palm cards.
So the next time you go on a sales call to your local car dealer, grab a Stouse automotive product flyer outlining all of the products that you can offer and say “Do you want some domed decals to go with that license plate?” and watch your sales soar.
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